Preserve Your Future by Starting a Seed Vault Today
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Life as You Know It, Can Take a Turn at Any Moment
The pandemic outbreak of the Covid-19 virus is a true eye-opener, in showing us that life can take a turn at any moment, especially when we least expect it. Grocery stores were not prepared, nor had enough inventory for the massive amounts of people all trying to stock their pantries at the same time, for a possible thirty quarantine.
This fear driven shopping frenzy, caused many to go without food, because the grocery stores could not stock their shelves fast enough, to allow everyone to get the adequate food they needed for their families. People were buying up all they could, before a pallet of food or supplies could even be unloaded.
It got to a point, where major food chains such as Walmart, who is normally open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, had to limit their hours to closing at night, in order to give their employees time to stock the shelves before reopening the next morning. They also had to begin putting limitations on how much food you could buy at one time, in order to regulate everyone getting what they needed.
If you were under mandatory lock down however, this could be a major problem for most, which is why you can never be too overly prepared.
Living in Florida, we are encouraged to keep a thirty-day supply of non-perishable foods and necessities, in order to be prepared for hurricane season. Imagine, if everyone followed this rule, then we would not have had the chaos we witnessed at the grocery stores during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Instead of spreading chaos and fear, those who are prepared, would be in a situation of being able to help others get what they needed, instead of fighting over whatever food may be left.
The pandemic is an eye-opener for many things, but I’m hoping that it has encouraged you to take certain measures, in order to be prepared for whatever else may be lurking around the corner.
Seeds Are Like Gold
Seeds produce food, which is the fuel our bodies need in order to survive and thrive. If stored properly, then seeds can last beyond your lifetime (if you are buying and storing the right kind of seeds), and they take up very little space in your home (unlike stocking up on a bunch of non-perishable foods).
Seeds are also an endless food supply source, because every crop you grow, produces plenty of seeds for you to dry and store for future crops, as well as creates an opportunity for sharing or selling your seeds, so that you can help others benefit from growing good nutritious food.
You may be telling yourself, “how could I possibly grow a garden, if I have a hard enough time keeping a houseplant alive?” I can assure you, that growing a garden is much easier than it may seem, and if it came down to relying on growing your food for survival, then you will most definitely find your green thumb.
I really hope that we never have to see the day, where we must go back to our primitive ways of growing and sustaining our own foods, but like Covid-19 showed us, nothing is guaranteed in this world, and are you prepared if it ever came to that?
What is a Seed Vault?
A seed vault is a variety of seeds (of non-GMO Heirloom variety), that is often times packaged in individual airtight, foil sealed bags, then placed in a box, tin, or glass jar for long term storage.
For best long term storing, it is recommended to keep your seeds stored in the freezer (especially after opening the packages). Naturally, a freezer would not be possible if there was the loss of power, or if you live in a very rural area, but rest assured, your seeds will not go bad for a couple years, giving you plenty of time to plant crops, and save the seeds from those crops, for the coming planting season (continuing the growing cycle).
An interesting fact, Svalbard is home to a Global Seed Vault that was designed to protect and preserve the world’s most diverse seed crops, to withstand any man-made or global disasters. Built well above sea level, nestled 100 meters inside of a mountain, and naturally keeping the seeds frozen through permafrost (so seeds still stay preserved, if ever a loss of power), lodges our hope of food survival, if a major catastrophic event ever were to occur.
There are over 1,700 seed banks throughout the globe, however, the one in Svalbard, is the only seed bank in the world built to withstand any possibility of being destroyed, making it our ultimate survival backup.
Scientists around the world, see the importance of preserving seeds for future survival, which is why you too, should consider preserving seeds for yourself, and your family.
Consider Putting together an Heirloom Survival Seed Vault
Non-GMO, heirloom varieties are the most highly recommended seeds to buy and store. It all boils down to the genes of the seed.
A seed has to be at least fifty years old in order to be considered an heirloom seed, which is optimal for saving long term, and being able to plant year after year, because they are the only varieties that breed true.
Meaning, the seeds from heirloom plants are open-pollinators, that will pass on similar characteristics to its offspring plants. Continuing the gene cycle by allowing you to save and preserve seeds from every harvest, and growing new crops, passing on the same genes, with every new season.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), are altered gene varieties that are spliced in a laboratory, in order to achieve certain desired traits. You are unable to save and preserve GMO seeds, but instead, must buy new seeds with each growing season (thus, defeating the purpose of storing seeds).
Heirloom Survival Seed Kits
Below is a list of seed survival kits that are currently still available for purchase, but I would not hesitate in buying one that you like, because they are selling out fast!
Grow and Store 21 Variety from True Leaf Market $64.87
This kit offers a variety of 21 different heirloom seeds to be grown in all seasons. Included is :
Sweet Corn, Melon, Peas, Radish, Lettuce, Carrot, Onion, Pepper, Sweet, Beet, Pepper, Hot, Tomato, Slicing, Cucumber, Tomato, Cherry, Winter Squash, Spinach – 10 gram, Bush Bean, Cabbage, Squash Zucchini, Kale, Romaine lettuce, Watermelon, Detailed Growing Guide
Grow and Store 16 Variety from True Leaf Market $53.95
Variety of 16 heirloom vegetables, giving you a garden full of fresh, nutritionally dense options all year round. This kit contains:
Sweet Corn, Swiss Chard, Peas, Radish, Lettuce, Carrot, Onion, Pepper, Sweet, Beet, Squash Zucchini, Tomato, Cucumber, Winter Squash, Bush Bean, Spinach, Cabbage, Detailed Growing Guide
16 Variety Non-Hybrid Seeds in a Can from True Leaf Market $49.06
This is not an heirloom variety (only because the seeds are not over 50 years old), but is still a good, non-hybrid, non-GMO gene variety of 16 vegetables. Which are:
Pea, Radish, Onion, Spinach, Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Beet, Carrot, Lettuce, Beans, Corn, Cucumber, Summer Squash, Zucchini, Pepper, Winter Squash, Tomato
Variety of 40 Heirloom Vegetables and Fruits $21.63
All you would need for exceptional year round growing and variety. This kit contains:
1. Arugula, Slow Bolt, 2. Asparagus, Mary Washington, 3. Bean, Blue Lake Bush, 4. Beet, Detroit Dark Red, 5. Broccoli, Calabrese, 6. Brussels Sprouts, 7. Cabbage, 8. Cantaloupe, Hale’s Best Jumbo, 9. Carrot, Scarlet Nantes, 10. Cauliflower, 11. Celery, Utah, 12. Collards, Georgia Southern, 13. Corn, Bilicious, 14. Cucumber, Boston Pickling, 15. Eggplant, Black Beauty, 16. Honeydew, Green Flesh, 17. Kale, Blue Scotch Curled, 18. Lettuce, Buttercrunch, 19. Lettuce, Iceberg, 20. Lettuce, Parris Island, 21. Lettuce, Red Romaine, 22. Okra, Spineless, 23. Onion, Yellow Spanish, 24. Pea, Green Arrow, 25. Pumpkin,Sugar, 26. Radish, Cherry Belle, 27. Rutabaga, American Purple Top, 28. Spinach, Giant Nobel, 29. Sunflower, Peredovik, 30. Squash, Black Beauty, 31. Swiss Chard, Large White Rib, 32. Tomato, Beefsteak, 33. Tomato, Red Cherry, 34. Turnip, Purple Top, 35. Tomato, Floradade, 36. Pepper, Cayenne, 37. Pepper, Jalapeño, 38. Pepper, Sweet Banana, 39. Victoria Rhubarb, 40. Watermelon, Crimson Sweet.
Bulk 5 Pack Purchase of the 40 Heirloom Variety Vegetables and Fruit $104.49
Total of 75,000 seeds, consisting of:
1. Arugula, Slow Bolt, 2. Asparagus, Mary Washington, 3. Bean, Blue Lake Bush, 4. Beet, Detroit Dark Red, 5. Broccoli, Calabrese, 6. Brussels Sprouts, 7. Cabbage, 8. Cantaloupe, Hale’s Best Jumbo, 9. Carrot, Scarlet Nantes, 10. Cauliflower, 11. Celery, Utah, 12. Collards, Georgia Southern, 13. Corn, Bilicious, 14. Cucumber, Boston Pickling, 15. Eggplant, Black Beauty, 16. Honeydew, Green Flesh, 17. Kale, Blue Scotch Curled, 18. Lettuce, Buttercrunch, 19. Lettuce, Iceberg, 20. Lettuce, Parris Island, 21. Lettuce, Red Romaine, 22. Okra, Spineless, 23. Onion, Yellow Spanish, 24. Pea, Green Arrow, 25. Pumpkin,Sugar, 26. Radish, Cherry Belle, 27. Rutabaga, American Purple Top, 28. Spinach, Giant Nobel, 29. Sunflower, Peredovik, 30. Squash, Black Beauty, 31. Swiss Chard, Large White Rib, 32. Tomato, Beefsteak, 33. Tomato, Red Cherry, 34. Turnip, Purple Top, 35. Tomato, Floradade, 36. Pepper, Cayenne, 37. Pepper, Jalapeño, 38. Pepper, Sweet Banana, 39. Victoria Rhubarb, 40. Watermelon, Crimson Sweet.
Variety of 12 Heirloom Culinary and Medicinal Herbs $19.99
This variety would make a great addition to any of the kits above, for these are herbs needed for seasoning your food, as well as providing many medicinal qualities.
1. Basil, 2. Cumin, 3. Parsley, 4. Chives, 5. Mustard, Lavender, 7. Arugula, 8. Lemon Mint, 9. Dill Bouque, 10. Winter Thyme, 11. Cilantro, 12. Oregano
Preparation is Key to Survival
No one can truly predict what the future holds. Taking certain steps today, just may save your life one day. For no one has ever regretted being overly prepared, but you most definitely do not want to find yourself in a situation where you need food, and don’t have any way of getting it.
Again, I hope that we never have to experience such things. If we don’t, then worst case scenario is, you would have delicious seeds on hand, for growing your own food, that tastes so much better than store bought, and is more nutrient dense as well, because it is not gassed or sprayed with preservatives like the fruits and vegetables you buy at the grocery.
Hello Brandy, lots of people are just focused on consuming and not thinking if a means to grow fresh ones for continuity and that’s sad to know. With the pandemic today, there is bound to be a shortage in certain food items because they have little number of people who were growing it before the lockdown. Having a seed vault is a great idea indeed and it gives us all a sense of responsibility. I like the 16 Variety Grow of True Leaf Market for it’s contents. Cheers
Thanks Benson! It is very sad to see where many peoples focus and drive lie, which is why I’m hoping to raise some awareness with this article. I’m glad that you enjoyed reading it!
A year or two ago I bought a small supply of seeds for vegetables. I still have many of them, and lately I’ve been thinking about planting them. I just need to find a spot that’s safe from my dogs’ digging and my cats’ shenanigans
but I’ll organize a safe area.
i read about the Svargard seed vault. It has millions of seeds, I read, I’m not sure exactly how many, but it’s an incredible amount.
The heirloom seed set is my favorite, it has a long list of vegetables, including broccoli. That one looks very useful to me. Now that I have so much time, I will dedicate some to start my veggie patch. Your article just gave me that push
I’m so very glad that my article was an inspiration for you to get your garden started Christine. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your hard work and dedication pay off (on a tasty way, nutritious way). May your garden be greatly successful!
I never saw a need of putting up a seed vault until I read this article, I must say a big thanks to you for this.
Indeed in a time like this that we are currently experiencing this pandemic Covid-19, articles like this are always very importance and you never can tell what to expect next so for me, preserving a seed vault is a very nice option for everyone which serve as a backup storage facility.
You are so very correct Sheddy, preparation is key to survival. There are a few great options within this article to help get you started with building your seed vault.
Very interesting article with important information. You are right, we have to be prepared to grow our own food when there is a need.
Thanks for the information on Global Seed Vault. This is the 1st time I heard about it.
For the survival seed kits, how do we store them?
Hi Christine!
The seed vaults listed within this article are already packaged for long term storage of up to 10-25 years, but if you want to ensure even greater longevity, then storing them in the freezer is the best option.