Benefits of Raw Honey & Where You Can Find It Today


Do You Know Honey?

When you think of honey, you probably think of just a sweetener that you would add to your daily cup of tea, baked goods, or breakfast staples, but there is so much more that honey has to offer us. Coined as being considered pure “liquid gold,” raw honey truly is a super food, and a jack of all trades, that should be found within every household’s kitchen pantry.

It’s been recorded since ancient Egyptian times to be used for cleaning, treating, and healing wounds, preventing and fighting off illnesses, treating skin conditions and contributing to a healthy beauty regimen, as well as helping reduce inflammation and fatigue. Many also don’t know, but honey can contribute to supporting a healthy digestive system in the same way as taking probiotics.

Not all honey is created equal however, and we will dive further into the importance of buying as local, and as raw as possible, in the material below.


Benefits of Raw Honey and its Uses

As already mentioned, there are countless health benefits of using raw honey to touch on, but for time’s sake, today I’m just going to go over some of my favorite top benefits.

  • Antibacterial & Antifungal

Whether it be internal or external, raw honey is highly effective with its antibacterial and antifungal qualities, against treating cuts, scrapes, burns, fungus, infections and other illnesses. Raw honey has natural occurring hydrogen peroxide, which thoroughly cleanses and disinfects wounds, and is especially useful for burns off all kinds. Raw honey also has cell regenerative qualities, which quickens the healing process and reduces the possibility of scaring.

Combined with other ingredients, raw honey makes a potent antibiotic to treat infections, and bacterial diseases.

My go to recipe for fighting any type of infection or illness (has been used for ear, bronchial, and sinus infections, as well as strep throat, cold, and flu) is:

For every quart size mix;

~ Equal parts of raw honey (must be raw) and raw apple cider vinegar (again, must be raw), (approximately ½ a cup each).

~ The juice of two whole lemons.

~ 4-6 drops of therapeutic grade Thieves essential oil blend (depends on the severity of the illness).

~ 4 drops of therapeutic grade lemon essential oil.

~ Ground cayenne pepper (only if dealing with cough and congestion).

Combine everything in a quart sized glass container, then fill with filtered water.

Drink a quart daily until symptoms subside. I usually only have to consume this antibiotic for two-four days before I’m back to feeling like my usual self, which is way less time than any antibiotic a doctor will proscribe. Not to mention it’s all natural and boosts your immune system, instead of a proscribed antibiotic that completely depletes your immune system by killing off all the good bacteria in your gut.

  • May help reduce pollen allergies

The theory behind raw honey helping reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, is based on the idea that daily consumption (of a teaspoon-tablespoon) builds immunity towards the pollen within the air. Why eat local honey? Local honey is the most beneficial, because the bees are gathering pollen from the same plants that are causing your allergies to flare up. For example, a raw honey bought from the west coast, or another country, is coming from a completely different climate and environment from the one you reside in, thus also growing and pollinating different plants from what you are being exposed to.

Many believe that “local” means it has to be within a certain number of miles from your home a place of work, but rest assured, that is not the case. As long as your honey is coming from a source where the hives have been placed in an environment with the same plants and foliage as your current location, then it will offer the same benefits.

  • Boosts energy levels

Honey is a good source of carbohydrates, and is considered one of the best natural ways to boost energy levels. One of the many reasons why it is faved among fitness gurus, is because it is easily absorbed into the blood stream, which makes it a perfect pre-workout energy booster to help increase stamina. It can also be used after workouts to fight off fatigue, and it will even help quicken the healing process of sore muscles from strength training. This is why many body builders have been known to add honey into their post-work out shakes.

  • Eases sore throat

Honey has many, you can make at home remedies for a sore throat. One of my personal (and most effective) favorite remedies, is to combine equal parts of raw apple cider vinegar, with raw honey, then add a bit of ground cayenne pepper to the mix, and dilute with water to your liking. The raw honey paired with cayenne pepper help soothe the throat and reduce coughing, while all three ingredients help boost the immune system. This is just a simpler recipe than the one above, and is mainly focused on reducing the urge to cough.

  • Beautifying for the skin

Honey is an excellent addition to any beauty routine! Its antibacterial and healing qualities makes it one of the best ways to treat acne, by removing dirt from the pores, regulating your body’s natural PH levels, and can even help reduce appearance of scars on the face and body. For acne and scars on the face:

1. First you want to remove all makeup from your face, leaving a clear foundation.

2. Next, use warm water to wet your face.

3. Apply honey in a circular motion, being careful not to get it into your eyes (for it will burn greatly if you do).

4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

5. Then apply a light layer of an oil moisturizer (my favorite is jojoba oil, because it does not clog the pores, and is quickly absorbed by the skin).

Honey is naturally moisturizing, so you are welcome to skip this step if you like.

Because of the high number of antioxidants, and its ability to retain water, honey acts as a great moisturizer for the skin, and will give you a beautiful, youthful glow that cannot be attained by any chemically fortified product on the market today.

Why Commercial Honey is Not the Same as Raw

Most commercial honey is filtered and pasteurized (including those labeled “raw”), which drastically decreases the many health benefits of honey.

Microfiltration (mostly used with honey harvested within the US) is a process that involves removing all fine particles, air bubbles, pollen grains, and possible wax (from the honeycomb), in order to make the honey more appealing to the everyday consumer. The pollen grains though, is a contributing factor that helps reduce local pollen allergies for an individual.

Ultrafiltration however, is the process used for most imported honey, which the FDA claims substantially transforms the honey, and is mainly done to make adulterated fillers within honey harder to trace. Therefore, ultrafiltration has no health benefits whatsoever.

Pasteurization is a process where the honey is heated to temperatures of 145 F (63 C) – 150 F (65.5 C) for 30 minutes, in theory, to kill off possible bacteria that could be in the honey, as well as prevent crystallization. But honey, is widely known for its antibacterial qualities, as well as its ability to stay preserved for 1,000’s of years (for archaeologists have found honey within Egyptian tombs, to be fully preserved and as edible as any honey a farmer may harvest today). So, is pasteurization really necessary, or is it more of a marketing ploy to boost commercial sales?

Know Your Source

Another reason why you should consider buying local instead of from a commercial grocery stores, is because it is extremely hard to tell which honey sitting on the shelf may, or may not have been adulterated. China has been the main culprit for adulterating honey with fillers such as corn syrup or rice syrup, as well as with chemicals such as chloramphenicol, which is a toxic antibiotic the US has banned, because of extensive studies done finding links of it causing cancer, and it is considered dangerous for many people’s health. The US currently has banned all honey being imported from China, but that has not stopped China from finding ways to get their fraudulent honey within our country.

After the ban, China began selling their honey to other countries acting as the middleman, and making it difficult to trace the honey back to China. 2016 marked the largest fraud food investigation of all US history, where Border Protections and Homeland Security seized 60 tons of fraudulent honey from a Chicago warehouse.

Sadly, only 30% of all honey sold within the US is True Source Certified (an organization started by US honey producers which provides traceable sources from the hives producing the honey), this one fact alone, means the store-bought honey sitting in your pantry right now, has more than likely been adulterated.

How to Find Local Honey

Local farmer’s markets are a great place to find raw honey harvested within your homes proximity. This is my favorite way to look for honey, because it gives me the opportunity of speaking to the farmer one-on-one about his knowledge, practices, and process of harvesting from the hive, then how the honey is bottled after harvest. Buying directly from the farmer, also cuts out the middle man (often times saving you money), and is a major contribute to supporting small local businesses.

You should be able to find a list of farmer’s markets within your area, by doing a simple google search. Many counties will have multiple markets on different days, and times of the week, giving you the ability to find which market would be best for you and your schedule.

If, however, your schedule is jam packed, or you just can’t wait for the next market to pop up before getting your hands on this liquid gold, then your next best bet would be, to try a local health food store or herbal/vitamin shop. Most (especially small locally run) health food stores will carry local raw honey (this may also be a good source for location and times of farmer’s markets near you, if you are unable to find what you are looking for online). You can also save yourself a trip, by calling the health store ahead of time to see if they carry just what you are looking for.

Differences in Color and Flavor

Another good reason to visit your local farmers market for finding raw honey, is to try to locate the small-time farmers who do not batch mix their honey. Most farmers will harvest all of their hives at the same time, mixing all the honey together, resulting in one flavor and type of honey. There is nothing wrong with this process, but you will notice a special treat from honey harvested and bottled from a single hive.

When a farmer spreads his hives around to various areas of the farm, and does not batch mix, the honey takes on flavors of the environment in which the hive is placed. For example, a hive placed near blueberry fields will have delicious notes of blueberry within, while hives planted near pecan trees will have a nuttier pecan flavor (one of my favorites!). I’ve been blessed in finding a farmer at my local market who does not batch mix her honey, and provides an exceptional product, that I (along with many others) have been faithfully purchasing for the past six years.

Take the time to get to know your local farmers, and don’t be afraid to ask them what their methods and process consist of in producing the final product they are selling to you.


Raw honey has many great benefits indeed, but only if it is truly raw and unadulterated. Don’t settle for second best (or far from best), by buying your honey at a commercially chained grocery store (where the risk of fraudulent honey is exponentially grand). By supporting local farmers, you are not only getting the best quality and sourcing possible, but you are also helping to put food on the table for those families who work very hard to provide us with quality assurance.















36 thoughts on “Benefits of Raw Honey & Where You Can Find It Today

  1. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .Raw honey is truly a super food and which is used to cleanse, treat and heal wounds and contribute greatly to preventing illness, treating skin and contributing to a healthy beauty regimen as well as reducing inflammation and fatigue. Honey contributes to a healthy digestive tract such as taking probiotics .Raw honey I use as a powerful antibiotic to treat my infections and bacterial diseases .Also I use this honey to reduce my skin allergies and it is very effective .Raw honey has given me a greasy feeling in my skin and through your article I found that it is very effective in reducing throat pain. I collect this harm from my local people and I will definitely use it to alleviate throat pain and share my new experience with you soon and for everyone’s sake, honey is really very beneficial.

    1. You are so incredibly right Shanta! This article barely scratches the surface of all the amazing benefits honey has to offer. I can honestly say that I have never felt greasy after using it on my skin, but I know that every one is unique in their own way, and we all have different skin types. I’m so very thankful that you found this information to be useful, and that you now have a new remedy to offer some relief the next time you are feeling under the weather. Thank you for taking the time to leave such a beautiful comment! Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future. 

      Many thanks,


  2. Hello, Thanks for giving your light on the Benefits of Raw Honey. As we Honey is a good source of carbohydrates, and is considered one of the best natural ways to boost energy levels. It works as an energy booster to help increase stamina. Now your guide helped me know that honey is Antibacterial & Antifungal. I am honey every week to remain feet and healthy. Your guide is very helpful everyone.

    1. Thank you Lalita! I’m so glad that you found it to be useful, and were able to learn new methods to incorporate into your routine. There are many more helpful articles to come, so please be sure to check back.

      Many thanks & blessings,


  3. Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your article on Raw Honey and find it is very useful for everyone. While reading your guide I am planning to add honey in my regular diet due to its useful benefits. It is Antibacterial & Antifungal.  Combined with other ingredients, raw honey makes a potent antibiotic to treat infections, and bacterial diseases. Raw honey helping reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Your guide is very very helpful for everyone about Raw Honey.

    1. Thank you Parveen, for taking the time to leave such a wonderful comment! I am ecstatic to hear that you plan to incorporate raw honey into your daily routine, and would love to hear back from you on how the raw honey has helped you in any way. 

      Happy health,


  4. Thanks for your post. I love honey but I have not had raw honey. We have a local market so I’ll check it out at the weekend. I think it might help my asthma which has me breathless and coughing a lot. I have got some honey comb, would that be pasteurised? I can’t imagine how they could heat and filter that because the waxy part would melt.

    1. Hi Deb,

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I’m very sorry to hear about you suffering with asthma. Raw honey may help it by reducing mucus buildup, and inflammation in your bronchial tubes. Mixing ground cayenne pepper into the honey will help with your coughing. Honeycomb is not pasteurized (your right about it melting under heat) and has been known to help boost liver function, as well as improve heart health and fight infections. I love spreading honeycomb on toast for breakfast! Is there honey along with the comb, or is it just the wax form that you have? 

  5. I found this article about the many uses of raw honey very informative. Learning the difference between raw honey and commercial grade honey was an eye opener. I didn’t know there was this difference. And that the best source of raw honey is from local farmers markets.

    When honey is applied to the skin for the various benefits mentioned, how does one handle the stickiness? I would find that awkward to use. I like the medicinal recipes of using raw honey as an alternative to antibiotics. It was amusing to learn how companies pasteurize honey for preservation when that is not necessary at all.

    I love adding honey and lemon juice to black tea instead of milk and sugar. It is very refreshing. Sadly I had been using store bought honey. I know better now and will be on the lookout for raw honey instead.


    1. Hello Edwin (love that name),

      I’m so glad to hear that you found this article to be useful and informative (for there was a lot of time put into writing it). 

      To answer your question about the stickiness factor on the skin; when the raw honey comes in contact with water, it losses its stickiness, which is why I recommended rinsing your face with warm water, before applying the raw honey as a cleanser. When it comes to putting it on wounds and burns; it is sticky at first when you apply it, but will eventually break down, and won’t be of a nuisance if putting on a bandage or wrap. 

      Adding honey to tea is quite refreshing indeed!

      I’m not sure where you are located, but there must be at least a couple  markets, or holistic health food store(s) near you. Best of luck on your journey to local raw honey, and may you find many other goodies to incorporate into your diet along the way!

      Be blessed,


  6. Hi! I totally agree that honey is one of those ingredients that is good for everything – especially when it’s local. I love heading to our farmer’s market nearby and scooping up local, raw honey. We actually have an active beekeeping community in my small town so there are so many great choices. Thanks for the write up! 

    1. That is great to hear Katie! I’m glad that your area has an active bee community, and hope that awareness of the importance of bees pollenating all of our food sources continues to grow. I too love going to farmers markets, for you never know what kind of goodies you may find!

      May you have a wonderful day!

  7. Great article for a family of honey-lovers, like mine is! We order ours from Thrive Market. It is the firm sort – super raw unfiltered. We love it. I tried finding Manuka once, but the price was either way too high or suspiciously low. I agree that you should buy local, rather than commercial. It figures we’d be having adulterated honey from China. I used to know practically nothing about honey. Thanks to writers like you, I am learning. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much Cathy! I’m glad that you enjoyed reading my article. I can honestly say that I have never tried Thrive Market, but there adds (and now your recommendation) have intrigued me to want look into it. Thank you again!

  8. I never knew honey could have so many uses! This was an outstanding read. So much information! I will be trying raw honey on my next cut. I am excited to see the results it will produce! I do have a question. So i put 100% raw honey on my scratch or cut, but do i cover it or wrap it? Or do i only leave on for a few minutes then wash off?

    Second question is it super effective for sore throats or just a reliever?

    i have a local farmers market in town and would love to give this a shot especially the medicinal aspects! Thank you so much in advance!

  9. wow. that was a great read. I am going to bookmark your site so I can refer back to your recipes. And thank you for sharing those, btw. I am a fan of raw honey. Real honey should be thick and not drippy like those ones in the supermarket which are basically made of sugar and food coloring. The only drawback is it can be a little pricey. Here in Canada, it’s around $50 a jar. It’s yellow gold. Thanks for sharing this article!


  10. Hi Brandy,

    Thanks a lot for the informative and educational article.

    Recently I watched some videos of Dr. Raymond Francis (Author of Never Be Sick Again) and came to know about the dangers of using white sugar. One of the best alternatives is honey. However, getting pure honey is a big challenge. I am amazed at the enormous health benefits of honey you have listed here. Indeed, it’s pure liquid gold.

    The details you provided on microfiltration, ultrafiltration, pasteurization, color, and flavor is an eye-opener for me and I got great insights. Now I realized the importance of buying local instead of buying it from commercial grocery stores.

    Wow, what an extensive guide indeed! I thoroughly appreciate the research you must have done to gather and compile so much valuable information.

  11. Hey, thank you so much for this informative article.

    I did not know that there are so many benefits to eating honey. after reading your article I learned a lot about honey. Honey is really a beneficial food for us. I am also suffering from seasonal allergies so I will try to eat honey to solve my allergy problem. thanks, you wrote a really useful article for us. I learned many new things from your article about honey.and also thanks for giving us information about how to find pure honey on the local market.

  12. I absolutely love honey so I’m so glad I read this!

    I knew there were some good things to raw honey but I genuinely had no idea that it can help the skin! I have heard the sore throat and energy ones before.

    I had no idea honey could taste so different and that farmers often batch their honeys together. I will certainly look out for this at our farmers market next weekend!

    1. Hi Mike!

      Yes! Honey has many different uses, as well as flavors. I just got a jar of honey from my bee lady the other day that has a beautiful dark color to it, and has many hints of blueberries. Was hoping for her pecan flavored one (because it seriously has some of the best nutty after-notes), but she had sold out before getting there. Maybe next time. 

      Once you have good, real honey, there is no going back! I’ve been purchasing from the same bee keeper for almost six years now, and have built up a great relationship, where I have also learned first hand what all goes into bee keeping. It most definitely is a process, and that is what you are paying a higher price for.  

  13. Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your article on Raw Honey and find it is very useful for everyone. While reading your guide I am planning to add honey in my regular diet due to its useful benefits. It works as an energy booster to help increase stamina. Now your guide helped me know that honey is Antibacterial & Antifungal. I am honey every week to remain feet and healthy. Thanks for sharing

    1. I’m glad that you have found this post useful, and are excited to add honey into your diet. Please come back and let me know how it has a helped you and your health!

  14. Wow. Thanks a lot for all the explanations offered about benefits of raw honey.
    I know that there is now a worldwide crisis because of the same COVID-19 virus. I have read on several sites all kinds of treatments with vitamin C or omega 3. Reading your article I would like to ask you if honey is good to fight such epidemics?
    Unfortunately a panic has arisen and sometimes we try to use only natural treatments to help us escape or at least prevent these infections.

    1. Sadly, you are right in pointing out that a panic has risen throughout the world. Many are in fear because of how the media is majorly playing the virus up.

      To answer your question, you could add honey into your daily for added immune benefits, but I would take measures to incorporate other immune boosting remedies as well. There is a list in this post about coronavirus prevention, that goes over ways you can effectively keep your immune system strong, as well as provide facts on how the virus originated, and why it should not be feared in the way the media is portraying it.

      If (at worst case scenario) you did happen to contract the covid-19 virus, then the tincture recipe listed as a “natural antibiotic” in this raw honey article, will greatly help a cough (especially if you add the cayenne pepper to it), and help reduce the amount of time you would be sick for.

      May you continue to stay in health, and please feel free to ask me any more questions!

  15. Wow, that is a big heap of benefits!

    I was wondering if it was possible to know – or if there was some way to calculate – the carbohydrate content of raw honey? I’m guessing it doesn’t come in the same kind of jar as the processed stuff with full FDA-approved labels etc?

    I’m on a keto diet so I have to keep my carbohydrates below a certain level. I always stayed away from honey but your section on it’s antibacterial properties makes me think it might be worth adding to my daily routine?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hello! Raw honey unfortunately is not considered low in carbs, for roughly 1 tablespoon (21 grams) of raw honey has 64 calories, and approximately 17 grams of carbohydrates, which may not be ideal for daily consumption on a keto diet. It is something that you could possibly keep on hand to use in the rare instances of becoming ill. The natural antibacterial tincture recipe in this article, works wonders at reducing symptoms with cold and respiratory illnesses, as well as significantly reduce the amount of time you are sick for. I was able to kick strep throat within a matter of four days by drinking a half a quart a day. If you are coughing a bunch, then you most definitely want to add cayenne pepper to the tincture, for it will help tame the cough, and help relieve discomfort. 

  16. Hello,I found this article about the many uses of raw honey very informative. Learning the difference between raw honey and commercial grade honey was an eye opener. Honey is one of those ingredients that is good for everything especially when it is local. I love adding honey and lemon juice to black tea instead of milk and sugar. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Lalita for stopping by and reading my article! Please feel free to look around and ask any that may pop in your mind. 

  17. What an amazing article.  I am all for honey, I love everything about its Natural way of healing, Your article really opened my eyes to alot more about the phenomenons of its properties.  I am so glad you mentioned the factors on China and honey since I have not been able to find natural honey at all in china.  The label says honey but it’s more a more a jasmine infused nectar.  And now my concern is what you mentioned about the properties of that which now means I am not going to be purchasing that anymore.  It’s so strange though since EVERYTHING around here is natural.  Thank you so much for the informative article.  I will definitely be following you!

    1. Thank you Leighj01 for such kind words! It is extremely discouraging to know that people would take something natural, and completely alter it in order to gain more profits. I’m hoping that you are able to find an all natural raw source where you are, and would love to try and help in any way that I can! 

  18. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .Raw honey is truly a super food and which is used to cleanse, treat and heal wounds and contribute greatly to preventing illness, treating skin and contributing to a healthy beauty regimen as well as reducing inflammation and fatigue. I personally add it to my liquid bathing soap as a spot cleansing agent. Thanks a lot 

  19. Raw honey has been used as a folk remedy throughout history and has a variety of health It’s even used in some hospitals as a treatment for wounds. Many of these health benefits are specific to raw, or unpasteurized, honey. Raw honey has been use  to kill unwanted bacteria and  fungus, to heal  wound, helps in  digestive issues, to heal sore  throat,  beautifies skin and lots more other benefit you can imagine. Never a single day I don’t  take  honey and  its helping  me alot and I will advice everyone to always take Raw and natural honey. And if you’re interested in trying to get a raw honey then buy from a trusted local producer. 

    Thanks for the article. 

  20. You have presented an excellent article that covers the various benefits of Raw honey and where to find it. Honey is one of nature’s premier superfoods. Not only does honey taste good in tea, yogurt, baked goods, etc. but it has been a staple anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory since ancient times. Like refined sugar, honey is a carbohydrate — this means it will directly affect blood sugar levels. That said, honey may increase blood sugar levels less than table sugar. Honey is sometimes used to treat digestive issues such as diarrhea, though there isn’t much research to show that it works and it’s a real experience that happened a few days ago, I bought it from a super shop for cured cough which suffered last month. Thank you for your informative article.

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