This Plant Contains All the Nutrients Your Body Needs Daily

Moringa Oleifera… Who Knew?

There is no wonder why scientists refer to the moringa plant as being “the miracle plant,” for it is chock full of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, protein, fiber, iron, and the list go’s on and on.

Moringa can also boost energy levels, and support a platform of homeostasis within the body, creating a firm foundation for preventing many chronic illnesses.

Moringa can be enjoyed in a number of different ways, for you can eat it raw, toss it in a salad, drink it as a tea, add it to your favorite smoothies, take daily in a capsule form, or even mix it in your morning cup of coffee, or favorite daily beverage (if you have the powdered form that is).

What is Moringa Oleifera?

Moringa Oleifera, also known as drumstick tree (because it has long, thick seed pods), horseradish tree (for the roots flavor resemble horseradish root), and benzolive tree (due to the oils that can be extracted from the seed pods), and the best of all, miracle tree (because moringa possess countless health benefits).

It is a tree that is native to Africa and Asian countries, but also grows rapidly in many sub-tropical to tropical regions.

Moringa is a fast-growing tree, gaining 9 to 16 feet per year (if you are not cropping it), and can get as tall as 35 feet when fully mature.

Moringa Plant Health Benefits

More and more studies are being done every day on the moringa plant, because scientists are discovering that the health benefits of moringa, really has no end.

Moringa truly is a super food, for it is:

  • Extremely high in protein (and all eight essential amino acids)
  • High in fiber
  • Three times more iron than what is found in green leafy spinach
  • Three times more potassium than one banana
  • Four times the amount of calcium found in a glass of milk
  • Four times the amount of vitamin A found within a carrot
  • Seven times the amount of vitamin C found in one orange

Moringa leaves are also chock full of free radical fighting antioxidants, which is vital for everyone to incorporate into their diets, in order to decrease the odds of developing cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and chronic illnesses later on in life.

Moringa Can Help Increase Energy Levels

Sadly, many of us suffer from fatigue and low energy levels, mostly due to toxin build ups, free radicals (which eats away at the healthy cells within our body), and various imbalances.

Moringa is great for detoxing the body (especially for detoxing the liver), flushing out toxin buildup, while contributing towards restoring damaged cells, and clearing brain fog.

The high antioxidant levels within moringa, fight off cell damaging free radicals, which will also contribute towards not only increased energy levels, but also boosting the immune system.

Moringa May Help Reduce Stress, and Increase Sexual Performance for Men

According to scientists, male sexual disfunction is very complex where the brain, emotions, hormones, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are all to be considered for healthy sexual function.

Stress directly effects all of the above, as well as creates a breeding ground for oxidative stress, which is why a very stressful lifestyle for a man, can often times lead to sexual disfunction. It’s been proven, that sexual disfunction for men can induce anxiety, depression, and depilating feelings of inadequacy, therefore effecting the quality of life for that individual.

A study was conducted in Wistar rats, where they were separated into three different groups, feeding them moringa leaves in various doses of 10, 50, and 250 mg/kg (per body weight), before exposing the rats to a high stress situation for seven days.

Scientist noticed an increase in sexual performance in all test subjects (including the group taking the lowest dosing), by decreasing intromission latency, and reversing to increase intromission frequency. Test showed that moringa leaves also helped increase tester one levels, while suppressing PDE-5 activity (phosphodiesterase type 5), and decreasing serum corticosterone levels. Which scientists have stated moringa appears to be an aphrodisiac.

The theory behind it all, is that the antioxidant effects of the moringa greatly contributed towards warding off oxidative stress, which helps bring balance (homeostasis) to the body, and making stressful situations more tolerable.

More research is still needed to understand in depth the role moringa plays for improving male sexual disfunction, but based off of what we currently know, moringa is an excellent supplement to add to anyones healthy lifestyle.

What is Moringa Leaf Powder?

Moringa leaf powder, is a simple process of harvesting leaves from the moringa tree, and letting them dry completely, before grinding the leaves up into a fine, silky powder.

Unlike many herbs that tend to darken or change color when dried, moringa maintains a rich, bright green color that tantalizes the senses.

The health benefits of moringa are slightly increased when consumed in a powder form, for the drying and crushing of the leaves, makes a super concentrated, nutrient dense formula, that can easily be added to any morning beverage, or daily smoothie.

It’s also great for sneaking (for those picky eaters in your family) into, oatmeal, yogurt, soups, dips, dressings, casseroles, sauces, etc. Giving your family a health boost, without them even realizing it (which is a score for any mother, or wife wanting to see their family making healthier choices).

Different Methods of Drying Moringa

Like with anything, there are multiple ways to prepare and preserve moringa leaves, which will result in various colors and textures, and may alter nutritious levels.

The most common way to dry moringa, would be to harvest in small bundles, and hanging until completely dry. Hang drying will preserve the nutrient content within the moringa leaves, but will alter the color from a bright vibrant green, to a more dull, subtle herbal appearance.

Dehydrating moringa leaves however, still preserves the nutrients contained within the moringa plant, in a more concentrated form, while also preserving the beautiful, vibrant green color that the moringa plant is known for.

Be Leery of Amazon Moringa Powder

Often, sellers on Amazon do not provide the pure, full quality they advertise with their product. You could be purchasing low quality moringa powder, or, it could possibly be mixed with something else of cheaper value, so that the seller can make more of a profit on his sales.

It’s hard to trust the reviews you read on Amazon with each product nowadays, because sellers can strategically buy (or offer incentives for) lengthy positive, five star reviews.

Amazon unfortunately does not have the ability at this time to monitor all the reviews and the sources of those reviews, which can result in many disappointing sales for the buyer, because you are purchasing a poor-quality product, that is rated as a top quality.

When it comes to purchasing anything on Amazon, make sure that you fully study the product, shop around (because often times, Amazon is more expensive than if you were to buy the item at your local store), and really read through the reviews. If you are finding nothing but five stars across the board, and the product seems “too good to be true,” then it probably is.

Depending on Your Region, You May Be Able to Grow Moringa Yourself

As mentioned above; Moringa is very easy to grow, if given the proper conditions.

Moringa prefers cold hardiness zones 9 and 10, but can be grown in other areas with the proper care and foundation.

If you are interested in learning more about growing Moringa in your region, as well as care tips, hacks (for more successful growing), and different methods for growing, then you can find it all in this article Reap the Benefits of Growing Your Own Moringa Tree Today.

Barely Scratching the Surface

As mentioned above, moringa is highly praised for its many health benefits, but scientists are still learning more each day the magnitude of what moringa can prevent and treat.

From superfood blends, to picking them fresh off of your very own tree for tossing into salads, it is easy to add moringa into any busy lifestyle. Having a delicious nutty flavor, it’s easy to fall in love with moringa, and find new ways to add it to everything you consume.

I hope you have found his article to be useful. Please feel free to share any of your thoughts and/or questions below in the comments.


14 thoughts on “This Plant Contains All the Nutrients Your Body Needs Daily

  1. Morniga does sound truly miraculous! I want to get some into my salad immediately! I think the leaf powder will work best for my family and me simply because I would have to “sneak” it into the kids and spouses foods. But, I think they would thank me!

    I must have missed it in your article, but where can I get good quality Morniga? I saw you didn’t recommend getting it from Amazon. Do you have other suggestions of where to get it? I am very interested in trying it out! If I missed the link, I apologize. I have five hollering children clamoring behind me! (They never want my attention until I am on the computer!)

    I live in Minnesota where it is not very hot except for a few months of the year. Can Morniga be grown indoors? I would love to have my own supply!

    Thank you for the information on this plant and if you have a link to a reputable source, please share it with me!


    1. Hi Karen! Omg, you must have your hands full with five kids in the background. You did not miss any links in the post, for I honestly get my moringa locally sourced, as well as from the trees I have growing in the backyard. Therefore, I’m sad to say that I do not have a link for you right this moment, but am excited to share that we will be launching a moringa based line of superfood blends within the near future. 

      We currently sell our products at local farmers markets, and are almost ready to launch our online shop. Everything we offer is organically grown, non GMO, and chemical free. Some of the products we will have to offer is, superfood blends, cleaning products, beauty and skincare, over-the-counter cold/flu remedies, and much more. So please check back often Karen, or be sure to join our email list so that you don’t miss out on any new sale and product alerts. 

      1. Perfect. Thank you. I definitely will sign up for your mailing list! I am very interested in the Moringa. Your launch sounds exciting! I hope it goes well for you! Looking forward to more!

  2. As we are moving forward with being able to help ourselves to better health, finding help along the way makes it easier to accomplish the goal.  As moringa leaf is a product I have not heard about before, I see there is a lot of information about it. To get the benefit of all the good for us stuff, you suggested putting it into other beverages and foods.  With the green color, does it have a distinctive taste or aroma?  Does it come in herbal supplements? 

    I went back to your article.  Can it be you are suggesting that we grow this tree to be able to have the benefits?  By the way, did you know that your article came up pretty high when I checked with google just now?  As growing this tree isn’t good for our part of the world, we are going to have to go back to some of the sources that have this product listed as an ingredient.  Hopefully, there will be adaptions for our growing zone before long.  Thank you for the information.  

    1. Hello Sami. Excellent questions! Moringa has a very soft, nutty flavor and aroma, and you can indeed find it in capsule, or powder form. 

      To answer your other question about growing moringa; in the article, it may seem as though I am encouraging to grow your own moringa trees, but it is merely optional when it comes to health benefits. For you can receive the same nutrients from a dry, ground leaf, as you would picking it off the stem and eating it fresh. 

      We will be launching a new line soon of moringa based superfood blends (where everything is wildcrafted and organically grown), as well as many healthy alternatives to products we use every day. So please check back, or join our email list so that you don’t miss out on any sales or new product alerts.  

  3. Hi Brandy

    I got to admit  you make Molinga a good prospective  but I have to go through the herbal route. I am a keen gardener but as I live in the UK and as we get frosts in winter, it will not do well. I could grow it in large containers and wheel it in and out of my greenhouse but it seems too much effort. 

    I am glad it is starting to be recognised but we will have to wait and see if it lives up to the reputation. It seems every year a new superfood is lauded, which does not quite live up to the mark. I will reserve judgement  but I need to see for myself. Does it have any side effects  especially  if you are taking medication?



    1. Hi Antonio! You may not be able to grow Moringa, but you can still reap the benefits moringa offers by incorporating a superfood powder into your daily routine, or in a tea form. 

      To answer your question about possible side effects; moringa is high in alkaloids, so may lower blood pressure or slow heart rate for some (which could be a blessing for some individuals), and not recommended for women in there third trimester of pregnancy, because it could possibly cause uterine contractions. 

      Moringa is proving to be a healthy, safe option to incorporate into any daily routine. 

  4. Hello there, thanks for sharing this awesome article! I know Moringa Oleifera to be a plant with high volume vitamin d, as well as Vitamin B to help the body to smoothly digest food and also helps in the conversion of food to energy as apposed to storing it as fat. 

    I’m not sure which growing zone I’m currently in, but will take a look through your link to see of it might be something I can grow myself. 

    Thank you!

    1. Wishing with you, that you live in a zone where you can benefit from growing moringa yourself. 

      If, you are sadly unable to grow your one, then you can still benefit from moringa through ordering it in powder form (to easily mix in foods, smoothies, and water), or as a tea. 

      Let me know if I can help you any further!

  5. hellooo dear, thanks alot for sharing such an amazing content with us all, i have never really heard much about the moringa plant, it really does sound miraclelous , i must say i am really trilled with the ability these plant has, i also what to thank you for the effort you put into bring these website together, it really has englightened me alot, thanks alot for the info

  6. Great article! Will a Morniga grow in Southern regions, South Africa to be exact in extremely hot conditions? As moringa leaf may be an item I have not listened around some time recently, I see there’s a lot of data around it. To urge the good thing about all the great for our stuff, you proposed putting it into other refreshments and nourishments. Would you a Moringa well suit a meditarian diet? Honestly it’s my first time hearing about the plant.

    1. Hi Ezra! Absolutely! The environment you just described sounds like an ideal location for growing a moringa tree. They prefer hot climates and not a fan of overwatering. I’m currently living in hardiness zone 8, and its a challenge every year to keep the moringa’s alive during freezing temps. They would prefer a cold hardiness climate of 9 and above. 

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